Hypervibe and other vibration suppliers have made clear that their machines are not registered as medical devices and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions.
Whole body vibration side effects can be problematic, especially for people with osteoporosis, compression fractures, joint replacements, and eye issues.
The essential ingredient in vibration plates is the intensity of the vibration.The dangers of vibration machines stem from the intensity of the vibration.
Especially with children it is advised to make sure that the intensity is within an acceptable range to benefit the user while not causing harm.
The longer you are on a high magnitude platform, the greater the danger to a body.
Individuals who have one of the following conditions should not participate in high intensity whole body vibration training:
- Those of you who have had a recent surgery
- Those who have recently had a form of an orthopaedic injury
- Those suffering with epilepsy
- Individuals who have been recently fitted with metal pins
- People suffering from gallstones or kidney stones
- Individuals suffering from epilepsy
- Those of you who had a recent head injury
- People who suffer from type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Persons who exhibit acute hernia
- Pregnant women
A recent study urges caution with vibration devices concluding that that they should not be used without the supervision of a specially qualified physical therapist. They say that further tests should be done to verify safety and efficacy.
Following advice from our medical advisor Just4Children may release monies for a vibration plate following confirmation of the medical need from a medical practitioner. This confirmation should also advise on age suitability of the device and frequency of use.