Here are the best ways to keep yourself and others safe during your fundraising. If you have any questions about anything to do with the below, then please contact the us.
Please read Our Fundraising Promise
Marketing and Advertising – The Law
Please ensure that on all forms and literature you state that you are fundraising ‘in aid’ of Just4Children and remember to include our registered charity number.

There are strict rules around the running of raffles. If you are planning on selling your raffle tickets over a long period of time then you need to obtain a licence from your local authority.
Read more here
However, if you are selling and drawing tickets on the same day then the rules are relaxed. You can run one of these raffles without a licence where:
Tickets are only sold at the event;
You do not spend more than £500 on prizes;
There are no cash prizes;
The winners are drawn at the event.
If you are selling alcohol at your event then you may need a licence and should liaise with your local authority. It’s easier to simply use venues for your event that already have the appropriate licences.
Check out the NHS food safety website to ensure that you are aware of food safety laws before preparing for your event.
Minimising risk
You are personally responsible for ensuring that any event you are staging is covered by the appropriate insurance. Just4Children will not accept liability under any circumstances and you will not be able to rely on any insurance policy held by Just4Children. Please check with your venue whether they include any extra costs.
For private sites like pubs, shopping centres and supermarkets you will need the permission of the manager.
For public areas such as town centres and streets you will need a licence from your local authority. After the collection you will be required to inform your local authority of how much you raised in your collection.
When conducting your collection you must remain stationary and not cause any inconvenience to members of the public.
You are not permitted to collect cash door to door.
The following controls for collecting cash from sponsor forms, and from tins and buckets must be in place:
- At least two people are involved in handling and recording the money received;
- Collection tins are individually numbered on the seals and their issue and return is recorded;
- All collecting tins and buckets are sealed before use so that it is apparent if they have been opened before they are returned;
- All collection tins and buckets are opened after the event and the contents counted;
- General public collections are counted in the presence of the collectors and a numbered receipt given to them;
- And cash collected is banked as soon as possible without deduction of expenses.
If your donation is intended for a particular child’s campaign please make sure your payment includes a clear reference to the child’s full name. This way we can recognise which campaign it is intended for and ensure it goes to the right place. Once we have received a payment we will inform parents by email.
Bank Transfer
Account Name: Just4Children
Account Number: 82182475
Sort Code: 404437
Bank: HSBC
IMPORTANT – Please put the child’s full name as the reference on the payment and email us to confirm with a scanned copy of the paying-in slip.
Should be payable to the “Just4Children” with the child’s full name written on the back and banked at your nearest HSBC or, if not possible, sent by special delivery to:
Just4Children, 85 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1DG
Please do email us to confirm any cheques paid in.
If you have no further use for the fundraising tins please send them back to us. Thank you and all the best with your fundraising!