Just4Children has 4 Board members led by our Chair, Jane Florey.
The board acts with integrity. It adopts values, applies ethical principles to decisions and creates a welcoming and supportive culture which helps achieve the charity’s purposes. The board is aware of the significance of the public’s confidence and trust in charities. It reflects the charity’s ethics and values in everything it does. Trustees undertake their duties with this in mind.
The board has a clear, agreed and effective approach to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the organisation and in its own practice. This approach supports good governance and the delivery of the organisation’s charitable purposes.
Mother of 5 boys Louise Elliott says, “I am extremely pleased to become a trustee and board member for Just4children. As a mother that has a disabled child and knowing what it’s like to go through the fundraising process to enable our children to live the best life they possibly can, I know how hard it is for families to have to do this.

I’m looking forward to being a part of a charity that understands our children’s needs but also the needs of the whole family.”