Step with Kyra

Please help Just4Children raise £90,000 to change Kyra's life so her dream of walking with both feet on the ground can become a reality #StepWithKyra
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Step with Kyra

Please help Just4Children raise £90,000 to change Kyra’s life so her dream of walking with both feet on the ground can become a reality #StepWithKyra

Kyra is an energetic and bright 13-year-old girl from Brighton who loves to dance, read and draw. She was born with a rare birth defect called PFFD, which means she was born with one leg much shorter than the other.  

The NHS recommended amputation.

However, we found an alternative in Dr Paley, the world expert in PFFD.  After tireless fundraising, Kyra has now had a number of life-changing corrective surgeries.  She is nearing the end of her treatment and we need £90,000 so that she can finally walk with her own two feet on the ground without a prosthetic.  Can you help us make her dream a reality?

Please read below about Kyra’s journey so far…

Born with PFFD, Kyra’s left hip and leg were deformed. Her left thigh bone was 50% shorter than her right, so her left foot simply couldn’t touch the ground unless she wore a heavy and bulky ‘foot on foot’ prosthetic.  As she got older, the difference between her leg lengths became bigger, so she needed a longer and heavier prosthetic to compensate.  She was unable to enjoy sport, dance and gymnastics like her friends.  PFFD is so rare and Kyra’s case was so complex, that when she was 6 years old the NHS recommended amputation and a life as an above-knee amputee. We were faced with a difficult decision…

After a lot of research we found Dr Paley of the world-leading Paley Institute in Florida, who has developed a way of correcting and lengthening bones using an internal metal rod.  The Paley Institute is the most experienced and successful limb-lengthening centre in the world.  Dr Paley met Kyra and was confident her foot would not only touch the ground, but she would walk, run and play normally and without pain. However, sadly, the NHS would not fund her treatment.

After an international fundraising campaign, Kyra has had a hip reconstruction and two leg lengthening surgeries at the Paley Institute, resulting in her left thigh growing by an extra 10.5cm and her life has been transformed!  She no longer needs a prosthetic, and she can wear a regular shoe with a small raise. 

Throughout all her treatments Kyra was positive, bubbly and determined. She continues to make friends from around the World and is a role-model for younger children facing surgery.  

Kyra’s leg-lengthening journey began in 2017, and she only has 2cm to go until her feet are even.  We can’t stop now!

We are now raising £90,000 for Just4Children for the final leg lengthening in America in 2025-26. This will require re-activating the metal rod in Kyra’s femur, a minor hip correction, lengthening by 2cm, and 3 months of physiotherapy.

Please support Kyra so she can finish her journey.

Thank you, Rima & Neil

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