River’s World

Just4Children are fundraising to provide River with the physio, treatment and specialist equipment needed for her to be able to be more independent and reach her milestones more easily.
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River’s World

Just4Children are fundraising to provide River with the physio, treatment and specialist equipment needed for her to be able to be more independent and reach her milestones more easily.

River is a miracle baby from Clacton on Sea who turns one year old next week. What a celebration we are having!

River is severely delayed in her milestones due to her life’s journey, thus far. River needs ongoing physio therapy and specialised equipment to give her every opportunity to live her best life.

River was born unexpectedly just over 10 weeks early in Sri Lanka due to her Mummy experiencing an abruption of the placenta. River weighed 3.5 pounds and was in NICU for the next month due to complex health complications including developing epilepsy and experiencing a brain bleed grade 4. At two months old and weighing 5 pounds and defying the odds, River flew home to England with myself and my Mum.

Within two weeks of coming home, River developed hydrocephalus and needed a lifelong shunt inserted into her head to save her life. In the past year she has had a number of hospital admissions, due to unexplained episodes of stopping breathing, needing a shunt revision due to it getting blocked and pneumonia to name but a few reasons for her visits

River lights up my life and of all those around her and anyone who meets her. She radiates love. River is growing stronger physically day by day, but due to her complex health needs and developing cerebral palsy she does regress at times, but always bounces back.

River needs ongoing physiotherapy sessions as regularly as possible to enable her to grow stronger and develop physically. She has learnt to roll and is working on making this a regular movement. She needs to develop her physical core to enable her to learn and develop the movements while she also needs this to enable her to sit up and work towards crawling and walking. No one is able to say at this stage in her life what affect the brain damage she has will have on her developmentally, but I know she will achieve with all the love and support she has around her and due to her own determination and motivation to live her best life.

Every medical professional involved in River’s life, agree physio is essential for her to develop her gross motor skills, so enabling her to physically work towards meeting her physical milestones of sitting, crawling and walking.

I am managing alone as sadly River’s daddy died aged 32 of a heart attack on the day I found out I was pregnant. Sadly, he never got to hear the wonderful news he was to become a daddy.

Due to River’s ongoing complex health needs, physical needs and continual appointments, I am unable to work at this stage in her life, so financially it is difficult. I have moved in with my parents to alleviate my financial pressures and also receive support physically with River.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read River’s life journey to date.

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