We have to remember the brain is developing in children which it isn’t in adults so there is an added element there to consider regarding potential harm.

The potential damage to eyes would be my concern using it in the home without a professional. The carers/parents eyes need to be considered as well as the person wearing or using the device as they are being exposed too. There is very little data about how much and how often which again makes doing this yourself in the home setting difficult.

If it does cause damage or problems to eyesight or hearing or skin or something else over the years then the person risks losing a function that is an asset and works well for them making life more difficult. The long term skin effects in say 20-30 years time would be a big concern of mine.

I think a clear stance that one of the doctors caring for the individual agrees it may be relevant to that child and can advise re dose and frequency but also safe as far as developing eye tissue. This is essential whilst it remains an unrecognised treatment.

My own view is it will make very little functional difference to a brain injury otherwise everyone would be doing it and if it does cause damage or problems to eyesight or hearing or skin or something else over the years then the person risks losing a function that is an asset and works well for them making life more difficult. The long term skin effects in say 20-30 years time would be a big concern of mine.

Unless there is a very clear list of EVERY ingredient within a herbal or other supplement and this has been checked off by a qualified medic that it does not interact with any other medications that person may be taking and has no significant side effects then it should absolutely not be given to someone with complex needs. I would only suggest that families are encouraged to use items recommended by their doctor who has full awareness of all their medications and medical problems. In children dosage is the biggest problem and a lot of the supplements can be poisonous in too high a dose. Many of these children have increased sensitivities to food stuffs anyway. There was a big issue for a while with electrolyte supplements in sport being given to children which gave them far too high salt and potassium levels risking brain oedema and kidney failure because the tablets (which you can buy at the supermarket) are dosed based on adult body weight. Many children are very low in body weight and a lot of the associated products in a supplement that are required to preserve it or bulk it out etc. can cause harm. There are so many as well it is very hard to know exactly what might be in each one.

Rachael Hutchinson MB ChB MD MPH FRCS (Tr. & Orth.)

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

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