Operation Oscar his SDR Journey

Just4Children are raising funds for a life changing operation called SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) for Oscar aged 6 from Manchester.
Total raised
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3497 donations

Recent donations

"Well done Kate x"
£HIDDEN from Anonymous
"Proud of you Kate "
£HIDDEN from Anonymous
"Well done, Kate! Great achievement x"
£20.00 from Danielle and Tony x
"Smashed it! Well done Kate, we love you. Deb, Vicki and Jake X x "
£25.00 from Deb Vicki and Jake
"Well done Kate! Xx"
£20.00 from Ieva & Yacob
"Well done mummy, nearly there! Love marcus. Xx"
£5.00 from Marcus
£HIDDEN from Anonymous
"Keep going and Good Luck! X"
£5.00 from Cathy
"Such a lovely thing to do for an amazing cause xx"
£20.00 from Rob and David
"Well done, Kate. Hope Oscar gets the operation he needs. "
£10.00 from Allison
"Keep Going! X"
£10.00 from Lauren
"Brilliant cause"
£30.00 from Sue
"Just one thought... once you get to Paris, do you need to walk back?In all seriousness - fantastic work and effort Kate.All the best from the Duxbury's"
£10.00 from Anonymous
"Hope you find a Kookaï shop when you get there! Xxx"
£20.00 from Lindsay
"You’re doing so well - keep it going for the final stretch! We’re all really proud of you! Steve, Marcus & Elisabeth xxx"
£HIDDEN from Steve
"All the best"
£20.00 from Gareth
£5.00 from Anonymous
"Well done Kate! "
£20.00 from Sara, Adi, Felix & Martha xxxx
"keep on trucking!"
£HIDDEN from David C
"Well done Kate xxxxx"
£30.00 from Chris Tulacz
"Good Luck Kate Xx"
£10.00 from Jo, James & Eva
"It's a great thing you're doing Kate. Enjoy the walk."
£50.00 from Pete and Julie
"Good luck Kate, sounds like a great cause too! All the best to Oscar x"
£10.00 from Leanne
"Great cause Kate - enjoy the walk!"
£20.00 from James
"Good luck Kate - I know you’ll make it to virtual Paris! Best wishes to Oscar too xxx"
£21.00 from Sarah Dickinson
"Best of luck Kate, what a great thing to do for your friend!"
£10.00 from Jorja and Ben Turner
"Well done Kate, excellent cause. Hope all goes well with your start tomorrow. On your Marcus, get set, go...... "
£HIDDEN from Anonymous
"Good luck Kate, what a great thing to do!"
£10.00 from Elaine Leigh
"Good on you Kate! Great cause! "
£10.00 from Lucinda Sims
"Well done Kate; a great cause and good luck Oscar. "
£100.00 from Dad
"Well done Kate....good luck....and to Oscar too xxxx"
£20.00 from Anonymous
"Good luck and hope you can help Oscar to have his operation!"
£20.00 from Jamie
"Well done Kate. Hope you are wearing your best lycra for this? X"
£10.00 from Clare & Otis
"Well done Kate! Good luck. Much love from all of us xx"
£10.00 from Nic
"Good luck Kate. What a lovely thing to do x"
£10.00 from Vicki
"great idea Kate! Go for it x"
£10.00 from Deb
"Good Luck Kate, love Andy,Zoe, Phoebe and Josh"
£10.50 from Zo
"I hope you reach your target Kate xx"
£HIDDEN from Sue Middle
"Good Luck Kate"
£10.00 from anne avgousti
"Well done Kate, wonderful cause!"
£30.00 from Tim
"Well done Kate. I’m proud of you x"
£30.00 from Anonymous
"What a wonderful cause! Well done xx"
£34.50 from Katie

Operation Oscar his SDR Journey

Just4Children are raising funds for a life changing operation called SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) for Oscar aged 6 from Manchester.

Simon and Dawn are the parents of a wonderful little boy named Oscar. Our son was born prematurely in March 2014, and as a result of complications suffered at birth now suffers from cerebral palsy. The main ramification of this is him being unable to walk due to extreme muscle tightness in his legs. We ask you to assist us on Oscar’s SDR journey in helping to maximise his potential.

Following consultations with his specialists, we have been told that Oscar is eligible for a potentially life changing operation called SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) which would greatly reduce this muscle tightness, and potentially let him stand on his own two feet in future. This operation would take place at the wonderful Alder Hey, but unfortunately it is not currently funded by the NHS. As a result, we need to raise around £65k for Just4Children to pay for the procedure and the intensive physiotherapy and specialist equipment required afterwards over several years.

We are fast approaching the perfect window for Oscar to undergo this operation. If we wait too long, the damage that his muscle tightness is inflicting on his hips and tendons will be too great for the operation to be worthwhile. If we manage to raise the funds quickly enough though, it would be life changing for our son. Oscar has been through so much in his life already with barely a murmur of complaint, and it would be devastating to see such an opportunity slip by.

Thank you for your support.

Info for donors

Application for support