Noah’s Voyage through HIE

Just4Children are raising funds to cover the costs of therapies and treatments to improve Noah's quality of life during his voyage through the storms of HIE.
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Noah’s Voyage through HIE

Just4Children are raising funds to cover the costs of therapies and treatments to improve Noah’s quality of life during his voyage through the storms of HIE.

Noah had a very difficult start in life. He was born full term on 4th February 2024 in Sheffield. However, he didn’t breathe when he was born and shortly after he was rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit where he had seizures and spent 9 days connected to lots of medication and monitoring. He was sent home after staying 25 days at the hospital.

When Noah was 4 days old, his MRI showed that he had severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), which means lack of oxygen going to his brain, causing brain injury. His HIE has been causing several complications for Noah. He has been diagnosed with cortical visual impairment (CVI), microcephaly, infantile spasms and is at high risk of cerebral palsy.

To improve his quality of life, Noah needs intensive physiotherapy, occupational therapy, feeding, speech and language therapy, hydrotherapy and so on, as well as lots of equipment for his therapies. Unfortunately, the NHS does not provide the necessary care. We aim to take Noah to the best places for his therapies but they are extremely expensive (£90+ per session of physiotherapy, £1,700 for one-week intensive in Blue Skies Ahead in Liverpool, £8,000 for 3-week intensive in SMILE Canada, £18,000 for Stem cell therapy in CBC Netherlands and so on.

So, we are asking for your support.

Noah has been living to his middle name, Alp , which we decided when he’s was in the ICU fighting for his life. Alp is a Turkic word and means brave hero, and in Turkic mythology, the one who drank the immortality water. Noah Alp has been surprising everyone everyday since he was born. We love him more than anything and we will do everything to give him the best and happiest life.

Thank you

Application for support