Just4Children are raising money to improve Jude’s quality of life with specialised equipment.
Jude is from Stourbridge and was born in November 2007 without any apparent complications. However, it soon became clear that all was not well. He has multiple diagnoses – microcephaly, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, all of which lead to various other challenges for him. But, to everyone who meets him he is just Jude who smiles when he is happy and lets you know when he is not.
Families of children like Jude soon understand that there are additional financial costs, some of which are covered by our health and social care services – and some that are not. Over the years we have had many offers of support, such as the incredible amount of money raised to get Jude his SDR operation, and now we look to raise funds for Just4Children to provide a specialised bath to further enhance his quality of life. Again, we are overwhelmed by the kindness of others who want to help.