Just4Children are fundraising for Alex to gain strength and independence following his neurosurgery with therapies and specialist equipment so that he can continue to live a successful and full life not letting his Cerebral Palsy hold him back.
Alex was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia aged 3. He had neurosurgery to remove his body of spasticity in July 2020 which was hugely successful followed by calf lengthening surgery to help straighten the position of his left foot as it had twisted in to such a degree that he could no longer bear weight on it, let alone do his intensive physio which was imperative for him to do post SDR surgery.
But despite that setback he has continued to work so hard and he’s made great progress. We are so proud of the wonderful young man that he’s turning into. But in order to support as best we can we need to ensure he can continue on this path. In spite of all his hard work, every time he has a growth spurt, his legs hurt him as the muscles tighten and it affects his gait and cause him pain and discomfort.
Just4Children are fundraising to enable Alex to continue with his physio and therapies and to ensure that he has access to any equipment that he may require. Any new funds would be used to support him as he grows, a consequence of sudden growth spurts can be that Alex’s muscles may shorten and in not keeping up with his bone growth he may require serious physical interventions such as multi level surgery.
In order to maintain his flexibility and mobility he must continue to access regular physiotherapy, wear a DAFO, participate in disabled sports, strength and conditioning and other therapies.
He will need additional specialist equipment and supportive devices as he gets older to truly Help Alex To Soar!