Just4Children are fundraising to support Ava. She needs specialist therapy and equipment such as a wheelchair and stair aids. The home is currently completely inaccessible so we are wanting to ensure that Ava has the best quality of life possible.
Ava is a cheeky, sassy, kind, caring and incredible 6 year old little girl from Peteborough.
Ava was born at 25 weeks along with her identical twin sister Elouise. Ava and Elouise had a rare condition in the womb called Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome, where one twin (Ava) receives all of the nutrients and the other twin (Elouise) receives minimal nutrients. A laser ablation surgery was performed when Mum was 16 weeks pregnant in order to save both girls. Unfortunately, this surgery wasn’t successful and caused a very premature labour.
Ava and Elouise were born on the 2nd Jan 2016 at a specialist hospital in London.
Elouise died at 18 hours old after we had to make the heart-breaking decision to turn off Elouise’s life support. Ava spent 5 months in several different Neonatal Units, having an extremely rocky ride.
In 2018, Ava’s little Brother Theo was stillborn at 35 weeks gestation.
Ava has Cerebral Palsy and a whole host of complex health needs alongside struggling with her mental health and grief.
Ava is so determined and does not let anything stop her or get in her way. Ava understands the struggles her disabilities bring, from environmental factors (lack of accessible play parks!) to the pain, discomfort, endless hospital appointments and much more. Ava wants nothing more in life to be able to just access the community with ease. She wishes to have access to everything she needs that will help her achieve her full potential.
Ava says:
“Hello, I have Cerebral Palsy and a magic tube where my milk goes!! My walker is broken and I need a new handle. I really wish that one day I can walk like my Mummy and Daddy with no walker that is broken”.
Ava will need various therapies going forward. More physio will increase Ava’s opportunity for independence. Not only will it increase independence, private physio will help to manage Ava’s pain and discomfort.
Thank you so much for reading our story!
Ava, Mummy and Daddy x
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