Just4Children are fundraising for Oisin to have a Trexo, a wearable robotic that will assist him experience walking with proper body alignment preventing further surgery. It will help him reach his full potential and live a happy life.
Oisín is 4 years old and lives in Co. Armagh. Oisín loves music, swimming, swings, people and is a bit of a thrill seeker. Oisín was born on the 27th May 2018 weighing 950 grams after his mum developed sepsis and was rushed for an emergency C-section, a day they both came very close to losing their lives.
Oisín is a real life little miracle with the most infectious smile. He has been through so much in his short life, spending the 1st 7 months in NICU where he had some major ups and downs, nearly losing him multiple times and being told he would never make it home, with multiple surgeries and hospital visits he continues to face new challenges on a daily basis.
He has battled against the odds with jaundice, anemia, multiple infections, sepsis several times, suspected NEC, renal failure, hypoalbuminia, broncomalacia, retinopathy of prematurity, ventriculomegaly, peri ventricular leukomalacia,displaced lines, chronic lung disease, 27 chest drains, 1 abdominal drain, 2 eye surgeries, MLB, sub glottic cyst, bilateral hernia repair, 40 plus blood transfusions, several hundred X-rays, blood tests and cannula’s inserted. Peg tube insertion and a fundoplication for severe GERD.
At only 2 weeks old a line delivering treatment displaced into his abdomen and put extreme pressure on his tiny body, causing his oxygen levels and blood pressure to drop. This was one of the times we were told he wouldn’t make it and there was no other treatment options available. Three weeks later we were told he developed some small cysts on his brain due to the stress his body had been under but it was nothing to worry about. Fast forward another 4 weeks and we were told it had developed into severe bilateral periventricular leukomalacia with ventriculomegaly. We were told to prepare for the worst.
We now know that Oisín has quadriplegic cerebral palsy among other conditions. This means he has difficulties with muscle control, balance and coordination, so simple things such as sitting without support is extremely difficult. He is incredibly determined and tries so hard every day to learn these things, and has made massive gains in the last few years, from being unable to sit at 2 years old to now doing it independently. He is very mischievous and loves the craic.
Yet here is the problem. Essentially he has the potential IF we put in enough early intervention but sadly the NHS can’t provide what he needs.
Oisín is unable to walk currently but over the last 2 years his family have travelled the world to get him therapy to enable him to reach his full potential. In this time Oisín has made considerable progress. During the last 5 months Oisín had the opportunity to use Trexo Robotics for 3 weeks, a wearable robotic that helps children with disabilities and walking impairments experience over-ground walking, to say he loved it would be an understatement.
Trexo uses groundbreaking technology to use robotic legs for the child to experience a perfect gait pattern – which can prevent the need for surgery in the future. It facilitates walking with the child and records the difference between the child and the robot’s initiation of steps and how many steps are taken. Noticeable differences were seen in Oisín’s initiation of steps; he took hundreds of steps in each session (36, 015 in seventeen 40 minute sessions) and gained in confidence. This would not be possible with typical gait trainers and walkers. Through the various therapies we have been lucky to access over the last 2 years, we know Oisín has vast potential and needs support. Oisín would be the first child in Ireland to have this progressive, dynamic and ground-breaking technology. It also allows for a level of consistency that we cannot match with home programs or traditional walkers. This could enable Oisín to take steps independently. See more details on the Trexo here
Oisín would get to experience walking with his peers, exercising with his family, and receiving the many benefits that Trexo provides, which could prevent his needing further operations.
* Facilitation of bone and muscle development.
* Strengthen core muscles.
* Gaining strength and stamina.
* Functional stretches through a range of motion, which prevents tightness.
* Improved body awareness.
* Proper body alignment.
Trexo does not limit children like other types of walkers do, it provides a full range of development of skills. Allow Oisín to reach his physical potential and possibly take independent steps.
Just4Children aim is to provide a Trexo for Oisín and give him the best chance at taking independent steps and gaining his own independence. By highlighting the technology Trexo provides, other parents can learn about its benefits too. The Trexo provided for Oisín will go to another child once Oisín has fulfilled his potential and will hopefully be taking independent steps. The cost of getting the equipment and shipping is a huge £45,000. Therefore, we are hoping to get multiple corporate and independent sponsors to help Just4Children achieve this.
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