Help Amazing Margot

Margot suffered a bleed on the brain at 20 months. Her brain injury has caused significant physical, learning and speech difficulties. We want to help fund specialist equipment and therapy to give her every change to achieve her full potential.
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Help Amazing Margot

Margot suffered a bleed on the brain at 20 months. Her brain injury has caused significant physical, learning and speech difficulties. Just4Children want to help funding specialist therapy to give her every change to achieve her full potential.

Margot is aged 3 from Northampton. On 20th May 2021 our world changed forever. Our beautiful, happy, bubbly 20 months old daughter suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. She was rushed to hospital and was quickly put in to an induced coma. She was fighting for her life.

Margot had a ruptured vessel in her brain and spent months in hospital. She suffered a respiratory arrest, a cardiac arrest and 2 DVTs. Against all odds she survived but she had a massive stroke. She had to learn everything again, enduring hours of physio, wearing splints, special leggings and a helmet to protect her skull (half was removed).

Margot underwent complex brain surgery at GOSH in October 2021 to remove her AVM and repair her skull with a cranial plate. The surgery was complex and lasted 12 hours but it was a success.

The bleed was on the left side of the brain so Margot lost all ability to speak, she has just started to say a few words. She began walking again at 2 but is unsteady and gets tired very easily. Her biggest obstacle is her right hand, she has no use of it due to the high tension and spasticity.

Margot is now three and has been receiving NHS physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy. The therapists are amazing but she only gets a one hour session every 8-10 weeks. To begin with we saw results but recently have noticed that her mobility is regressing.

For brain injuries, time is key. The younger she is the more recovery that is possible.

We would like to provide Margot with additional therapies and specialist equipment to improve her mobility, along with an intensive CMIT course to encourage her to use her right hand. These therapies will not cure her but they could make her life much easier. They will be needed for two to three years to give her the best chance to get as much independence as possible.

As parents we just want to provide Margot with every possible chance to achieve her full potential. Please help if you can, however little it may seem, it will make a huge difference to Margot.

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