Fundraising for Finn’s Future

Just4Children are fundraising for Finn to provide physical therapy and equipment to keep him healthy and active as he grows.
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Fundraising for Finn’s Future

Just4Children are fundraising for Finn to provide physical therapy and equipment to keep him healthy and active as he grows.

Finn is 12 (born 2011) and from Bristol. He has cerebral palsy. He is very adventurous and cheerful – he loves to laugh, and his giggle is highly infectious!

However, this adventurous activity and love of life are threatened by the physical degeneration that comes with unmanaged growth in teenage years. To mitigate this Finn needs specialist equipment and therapies. This campaign aims to meet these costs for the next three years (in priority order):

  • therapies – physio and occupational therapy;
  • orthotics – custom made items such as foot and hand splints, which help improve his mobility and hopefully eliminate the need for surgery;
  • specialist, therapeutic activities such as hydrotherapy, sailing, climbing, riding, surfing, powerchair football, frame running – all using adapted equipment with highly trained professionals;
  • Conductive Education (a learning method enabling individuals with neurological and mobility impairment to learn to specifically and consciously perform actions that children without such impairment learn through normal life experiences);
  • servicing of equipment, such as the lift and hoist in the house.

We are grateful for any contributions, but to help meet these ongoing costs Just4Children are particularly looking for regular support, ideally on a monthly basis.  Please consider clicking on the button to make your donation a monthly one.

Thank you!

Info for donors

Application for support