Ettore Wants to Walk

To help Just4Children provide SDR surgery and intensive and bespoke physiotherapy sessions so that Ettore can achieve his dream to play, walk and run with his friends.
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Ettore Wants to Walk

To help Just4Children provide SDR surgery and intensive and bespoke physiotherapy sessions so that Ettore can achieve his dream to play, walk and run with his friends.

Ettore is our 5 year old happy little boy from Stonehouse. He loves singing, playing with cars and tractors and interacting with peers and adults as well. He doesn’t stop chatting from the moment he wakes up till the moment he goes back to bed and he says the most amazing and hilarious things. He is a cuddler and loves being the centre of attentions.

Ettore doesn’t let his very premature birth complications (CP is only one of them) stop him from being happy and active. However, it is heart breaking for the people who love him not seeing him standing unaided and walking, especially when he express clearly the desire to do so as he wants to play at the same level as his friends.

To give him the best chances, Ettore needs SDR surgery and intensive physio through specific exercises, massages and manipulations for his muscles. The latter to correct his hip dysplasia and the general stiffness in his legs and feet. He also needs support with his fine motor skills to improve his capacity to hold a spoon or a pen.

Ettore doesn’t let his disability to define him so please help us not to let his CP stop him from achieving his dreams.

Thank you

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