Just4Children want to fundraise in order for Eden to have the best chances of recovery from her injuries that occurred at birth. We want her to be able to be independent and to communicate and transition herself around the home.
Eden is aged 5 from Pontypridd. She was born with bacterial meningitis following a group strep b infection. Eden was hospitalised for 31 days in which time, she stopped breathing, suffered a spinal stroke and was having seizures. Eden was receiving regular medication and help to breath.
Although Eden is now a healthy happy 3 year old, the stroke, seizures and arrest has left her brain damaged and paralysed from the waist down (t12 spinal cord injury) making her dependant on a wheelchair and standing aids along with catheters daily to help pass urine.
Eden does not have an official diagnosis because of the complexity of her injuries. Eden has a lot of input from the NHS including physiotherapy, advanced play and occupational therapy. However, as her family we want to ensure Eden gets the most out of life, and so we need to take her care private.
Within the last 18 months Eden has been attending private physiotherapy twice a week. The difference this has made to Eden’s life is amazing. She has learnt to stand, sit unaided and crawl. We feel ongoing physiotherapy will lead Eden to an independent life. We want to ensure we do the best we can for Eden and give her the greatest opportunities we can, from our home setting to treatments and future operations. We are reaching out in a time of need to help our baby get on her feet.
Thank you
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