Big Steps for Sienna

Just4Children are fundraising for SDR surgery so that Sienna will have improved independence, mobility and quality of life.
Total raised
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1680 donations

Recent donations

£2.00 from Anonymous
"Couldn't let the sum raised hover below £500 any longer "
£6.00 from Ria
"We had a fab time! Thanks so much xxx"
£20.00 from Griff Thomas (and mum & dad!)
"Cant wait to join you on the walk x"
£10.00 from Amber & Samson
£5.00 from Aunty Maria 💖
"Get the beers in, hopefully see you at 6pm "
£10.00 from Dale Waters
"Good luck with the fundraising,you deserve it."
£20.00 from Biggsy & Marie
"Wishing you all a great adventure and have lots of fun 👍🏿"
£20.00 from Michael Richardson
"Hope it all goes well x x "
£10.00 from Harriet
"We can't make it on the night but will be having a glass in support. Can't wait for the next one xx"
£10.00 from Darielle and Jon
"Sun shines walk"
£15.00 from Jodi johansson
"Sorry I can't be there but have a drink for me x"
£10.00 from Samantha Herridge
"Big steps for a beautiful friend "
£8.00 from Abigail Love
"Amelia, Martin and myself cant wait to join you on Friday 🙂 x"
£20.00 from Justyna
"Me and Abigail are so excited to walk with you Friday x x "
£10.00 from Danielle Love
£10.00 from Jean and Mike
"Myself and Harper are super excited for Friday xx"
£10.00 from Pippa Brown
"Spence, Mila and I x Can’t wait x "
£15.00 from Jem
"Bit far to come now :( Wishing you all the best though ❤️"
£10.00 from Yvonne and Shaun
"Won’t be able to make it sadly! Enjoy!x"
£10.00 from Steffan Jones
"Looking forward to it "
£10.00 from Delyth (Clive’s friend)
"Sorry we can't join you, instead I'm donating the money John would have spent on drinks on Friday night"
£20.00 from Ria and John
£10.00 from Rhi & Sophia
"Sorry I can't be with you on Friday xx"
£20.00 from Paula and Steve
"Looking forward to it. x"
£25.00 from The Hills
"All the best for the event 😀"
£10.00 from Steph
£30.00 from Kim Toni & Rico
"With every good wish for better health Sienna "
£10.00 from Margaret Clinton
£10.00 from Anonymous
£20.00 from Clive Malam
"Looking forward to it!"
£10.00 from Hanny & Mikey
"See u on the 16th 😁"
£10.00 from Amy and kayleigh
"Sounds great fun, enjoy the walk up and the tipple at the top!! "
£20.00 from Laura, James& Lewis Mcloughlin
"Lots of love to a special little lady xxxx"
£10.00 from Nadia Jones
"See you on Friday 16th xx"
£10.00 from Ria and John
£20.00 from Ann Lock
£10.00 from Meryl Holding
"Can’t wait! 🥂🍻"
£10.00 from Josie & Ryan
£5.00 from Jo Howard

Big Steps for Sienna

Just4Children are fundraising for SDR surgery so that Sienna will have improved independence, mobility and quality of life.

Sienna is aged 5 from Newport in Wales. 
Sienna and her twin sister Lyla were born 12 weeks prematurely weighing just 2lbs 4oz and 1lbs 11oz. When Sienna was 5 days old she suffered a devastating brain injury due to prematurity resulting in her having Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, which affects all four of her limbs.

Sienna has had a rough ride with her health and is often hospitalised with respiratory infections requiring complex medical care.

Sienna is growing increasingly conscious of her limitations and often gets upset that she is unable to run around with her twin sister and friends. She is fully dependent on family and her one to one in school to meet her mobility needs, including the use of her feeding tube. Sienna loves driving around in her power wheelchair that she calls Winnie, but ultimately our dream is for her to be able to walk more independently using her walking frame.

Sienna is always battling against spasticity (stiffness) which limits her mobility and often causes painful spasms resulting in many sleepless nights.

There is life changing operation called SDR surgery (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) which would remove the stiffness from her legs. This would give Sienna the opportunity to be more mobile and live with less pain. The surgery involves cutting the sensory nerve fibres in the spinal cord which sends incorrect signals from her brain to her muscles. This surgery would give Sienna more control over her body and would prevent future problems caused from spasticity such as repeated surgeries and significant pain.

Unfortunately due to Sienna’s high level of Cerebral Palsy the operation is not funded on the NHS, despite it being of benefit to many children of a similar level.
We have been accepted at the Great Portland Hospital in London for SDR and need to fundraise the £70,000 for the surgery and resultant therapy to give Sienna a more independent and happier future.

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Info for donors

Application for support