Alex was born early resulting in him having Cerebral Palsy. We have always tried to make sure Alex leads as full and active life as possible. This involves various therapies, activities and whatever he needs.
Alex is now 12 and attends a main stream school. He is a full time wheelchair user but can use a walking frame mainly in therapy.
Alex is an intelligent funny boy that loves gaming and wants to be a games designer or programmer when he leaves school. He also loves to keep active as much as possible and get involved in groups and various activities.
Alex had SDR in St Louis in 2017 and it made a massive difference. Recently through fundraising and the help of friends family and the community we went through the DFG process and a bedroom and bathroom was built for Alex specific for his needs which included a through floor lift. The council funded some of the build.
Our aim for Alex is for him to become as independent as possible and his new bedroom and bathroom have made a big difference. Any money raised now for Just4Children and in the future will go towards equipment and ongoing therapies and surgeries that Alex needs and also to help with garden works to make our garden level with paved access so Alex can enjoy being outdoors with his family.
Thankyou everyone for your continued support.